Trial & Quote
Before deciding whether to partner with Lumin, you are welcome to sample the quality of the work by having Lumin translate or edit pro bono up to 600 words of your choice from the manuscript. If you are satisfied with the trial output, Lumin will provide you with a customized quote based on the specifics of your project.
Once you decide to move forward with the project, an NDA (nondisclosure agreement) will be signed by you and Lumin Translation & Editing Services to guarantee the protection of your intellectual property (until it is published). The translation or editing of the manuscript will then begin. Requests for clarification of content in the manuscript and/or any subsequent discussions (via email, phone, or Skype) may be initiated by Lumin, as needed, to ensure on-time delivery of quality output.
Feedback from Reviewers
“I thank the authors for taking the time to revise and resubmit as well as appreciate their diligence when responding to the feedback. I think the piece is exceptionally strong… and would look forward to seeing it in publication. I have no further edits at this time.”
“The study as a whole was comprehensive, well-written and can contribute to the scientific community.”
“I feel that the authors have thoughtfully addressed the reviewers' concerns. The thorough edits, added transitions, more precise rewording and also deleting of suggested phrases and references improves the readability and makes the major study points more clear.”